After David was anointed to be king, his destiny declared over him, he found himself in situations that seemed contradictory, if not defiant, to the words spoken over him. Not just for weeks or months, but for years. Decades. Instead of being exalted, which would be a natural expectation and prerequisite to becoming the future king of Israel, he was ridiculed. Threatened. Exiled. Betrayed. And every other experience one would choose to avoid at all costs if given the choice.
At face value, his circumstances were in stark opposition to God’s promises over his life.
I can only imagine the tension of those years in waiting and wondering. What do you do when such a declaration is made over you, especially one that quickly becomes public knowledge? How easy it is when life seems quite different than what you anticipated or expected, to look to others to affirm and validate the promises the Lord has planted in the depths of our being. In our fear and insecurity, we look to sources outside ourselves to nurture and sustain what is hidden within us. Yet when we allow man to build within us what only God can build, disaster is imminent. If man makes you, man can break you. What is needed is not the approval of others, but a deep, unwavering conviction of God’s heart for us. Resilient, unrelenting faith in His Word. Even in the waiting and the wrestling. Even in the disappointment, when reality and expectation aren’t lining up in the ways we wanted.
Yet is that not the great challenge of faith?
We so easily esteem incredible faith in the asking of extraordinary miracles and demonstrations of the supernatural. And there is some merit to that. But what about the faith that remains in the fire? The faith that continues to bear under the cost of destiny in the secret, hidden places of self-denial no one sees or knows? The faith of actively waiting for His promises to come to fruition while everyone around you seems to be reaping a harvest? The faith that leans in when every circumstance you face seems to be more about breaking you down than building you up? Its the faith that surrenders to God what He entrusted to you, allowing Him alone to cultivate the seeds He plants deep within you. Trusting Him to carry out what He declares over you as you continue stumbling along in obedience and dependence. Defying your own reasoning and the urge to prove yourself in a world that praises performance and independence. Choosing to trust Him despite how your circumstances make you feel. Seeking Him even when those closest to you do not affirm or understand you no matter how badly you wished they would. His knowing of you is enough. His hold on you is the peace you need to endure.
The greatest threat to living in fullness is not the raging storm of trials and tribulations, but the steady tide of apathy and indifference. For when a storm comes, all hands are on deck to respond and react accordingly as the need is obvious and the danger real. The strength of the tide, however, is grossly overlooked and, therefore, neglected. Yet little by little it carries you away while you carry on with the distractions of life unaware. Only when it’s too late do you realize how far it’s carried you, oftentimes to a place you never intended or desired to go. And so we must be anchored, for every day the tide comes, pulling us one way or another by the choices we make.
Take heart, He who began the good work in you will see it through, even through the storms of life that don’t make sense. He is your anchor. His promises will come to pass even in the darkest nights of the soul. For your power comes from Him, not the praises of man that are as fleeting as the wind.